The greater the demand for an occupation, the higher the rank of the Matrix score invited.
The minimum ranking score is an indication only and not a guarantee that an invitation was issued. Invitations will not be issued if there is an active application in the system; or if previously ACT nomination was received.
Canberra Matrix submissions in occupations in critical sectors may be prioritised.
Canberra residents
Matrix nominating Small Business Owners
- 190 nominations: 4 invitations
- 190 minimum matrix score: 125
- 491 nominations: 6 invitations
- 491 minimum matrix score: 105
Matrix nominating 457 / 482 visa holders
- 190 nominations: 8 invitations
- 491 nominations: 2 invitations
Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations
- 190 nominations: 54 invitations
- 491 nominations: 110 invitations
Overseas applicants
Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations:
- 190 nominations: 16 invitations
- 491 nominations: 94 invitations
Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 600 places
Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 600 places
Application Count @ 22 May 2024
Total approvals: 1,091 approvals
- 190 Nominations: 571 approvals
- 491 Nominations: 520 approvals
Total refusals: 194 applications
- 190 Nominations: 84 refusals (13%)
- 491 Nominations: 110 refusals (17%)
Approvals by residency status since the last invitation round
- ACT Resident: 178 approvals (98%)
- Overseas Resident: 4 approvals (2%)
Remaining Allocation 2023-2024
Total allocation remaining: 109 nomination places
- 190 Nominations: 29
- 491 Nominations: 80
Source: ACT Government