To be considered for state nomination through Skilled Migration Tasmanian, you must meet the minimum nomination requirements for your chosen pathway to register your interest, along with one or more Priority Attributes listed for your chosen pathway.
While your occupation does not need to be on the TOSOL to be eligible under the program all applicants must nominate an occupation listed on the Department of Home Affairs list of skilled occupations. The TOSOL is used to determine eligibility for subclass 190 nomination in the Tasmanian Skilled Employment (TOSOL option) nomination pathway and to prioritise registrations of interest in the Migration Tasmania Gateway.
You do not have to meet the priority attributes for your pathway. The priority attributes for each pathway are not required, but they will make you more competitive for a limited number of nominations. The more of the attributes you have, the better your chances of nomination and the sooner you may be invited to apply for nomination.
Gold Priority Attribute – Employment and skills assessment related to critical role
Where a Gold priority attribute states “Skills assessment and related employment included in Critical Roles list”, that employment must have been for at least the immediate three months prior to registering interest and must be ongoing at the time the candidate applies for nomination.
Gold And Green Priority Attributes- Occupation on TOSOL and employment related to skills assessment and study
To qualify for gold or green priority attributes, employment must be skilled (ANZSCO 1-3) and average at least 20 hours per week.
Employment in ANZSCO skill level 4 – 5 roles or averaging between nine and 19 hours per week may qualify for orange priority attributes.
Where an occupation is listed on the Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL), the caveats for that occupation must be met in order to gain Gold or Green attributes for any pathway (unless stated otherwise on the TOSOL). For example, a graduate with a skills assessment as a Sales and Marketing Manager would need to be working with an employer that had been operating for more than three years to obtain any of the Gold or Green attributes related to working in a role related to skills assessment.
Source: Migration Tasmania, Tasmanian Government