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The Australian Government has now implemented, the Genuine Student (GS) requirement replacing the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for all student visas effective 23 March 2024.This change is applicable to all student visa applications lodged on or after 23 March and is part of the new Migration Strategy announced by the Government of Australia.

This change has been implemented to clarify the assessment of a student’s intention to genuinely study in Australia and to remove the confusion most importantly also about whether the student can express a desire to migrate to Australia. This is a welcome change as Student visa applicants no longer need to satisfy the GTE requirement that they genuinely intend to only stay in Australia temporarily.

The Genuine Student (GS) requirement acknowledges that post-study pathways to permanent residence are available to those eligible graduates. International students with studies and qualifications obtained in Australia may provide a qualified skilled workforce ready to fill skill shortages in Australia.

The change is also intended to help the Department to identify non-genuine students who are seeking to enter Australia for purposes other than to study.

The GS requirement focuses on the assessment of the student’s genuine intention to study in Australia, having regard to several factors, including the applicant’s circumstances, evidence of course progression, immigration history, compliance with visa conditions and other relevant matter.

Student Guardian visa

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement continues to be in place for all Student Guardian visa applicants and is a criterion for the grant of this particular visa.

Source : Department of Home Affairs, Australia

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